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Plants require particular types of nutrients in specific quantities and at specific growth stages. Fertilisers are substances that supply plant nutrients and are the most effective means of increasing crop production and of improving the quality of food, fodder and ornamental plants.

Fertilisers are used in order to suppliment the natural nutrient supply in the soil, especially to correct soil deficiencies.

The use of soil teste can help to determine the status of plant available nutrients to develop fertiizer recommendations to achieve optimum crop production.

Efficient application of the correct types and amounts of fertilizers for the supply of the nutrients is ana important part of achieving profitable yield.

The most suitable type of macro- or micro-nutrient fertiliser for a prticular purpose depends on:

  • The speed of nutrient uptake desired
  • The compination of nutrients required
  • Growth-enhancing side effects such as mobilsation of other soil nutrients.

Windmill Fertilisers

Windmill supplies different types of fertilisers and these include:-

Compounds – two or more nutrients joined together in a chemical process
Blends – a combination of separate fertilisers
Straights fertilisers – supplies one or more major nutrient
Speciality fertilisers – a range of specialised fertiliser targeted at creating value for farmers
Foliar fertilisers – concentrate liquid fertiliser that contains macro and micro nutrients

Timing of fertilisers application is dependent on:-
  1. Plant type
  2. Growth stage of the plant
  3. Type of fertiliser
    Choice of application equipment
  4. Choice of application equipment
Factors affecting fertiliser use efficiency are:-
  1. Correct placement
  2. Right amount
  3. Right kind of material
  4. Correct timing
  5. Soil pH